Yay for Business with Courtney Chaal

Ep 50: Energy Management

Episode Summary

It's time to talk science on the Yay For Business Podcast. Today I am discussing one of my favorite topics that I have researched quite a bit: energy management. We always hear about how to manage our time and squeeze more hours into the working day, but it turns out, that is not what we should concentrate on. Consider this episode your entrepreneurial intervention for pivoting your focus from time management to energy management. Contrary to what so many entrepreneurs say, you don't need to find more time; you need to maximize the time you have by using your energy efficiently. 

Episode Notes

It's time to talk science on the Yay For Business Podcast. Today I am discussing one of my favorite topics that I have researched quite a bit: energy management. We always hear about how to manage our time and squeeze more hours into the working day, but it turns out, that is not what we should concentrate on. Consider this episode your entrepreneurial intervention for pivoting your focus from time management to energy management. Contrary to what so many entrepreneurs say, you don't need to find more time; you need to maximize the time you have by using your energy efficiently.   

Energy is a vital resource for business and life. By the end of today's episode, you will have a better understanding of where your energy comes from and how you can use that energy to benefit your business. I am excited to share both my personal experiences and scientific research about why our bodies need to feel both stress and rest. By tuning into our energy cycles, we can prepare ourselves for stressful work and restful vacation times.  

In today's episode, we're specifically covering

This episode is part 3 of 4 in our Secret to Freedom series. If you want to learn more about building a business that will thrive while you take time to rest and repair, come join us at our "Out of Office" training that we are hosting throughout October only for our Yay for 100K clients. If you want to join that training, click HERE to apply.

Out of Office training outline:

Week 1- Mindset

Week 2- Organizing

Week 3- Executing 

Week 4- Review and Reflect

Resources Mentioned: 

Book: The Power of Full Engagement, by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
Book: When, by Daniel Pink
Ep 48: The Secret to Freedom Part 1 of 4: Uplevel Your Business to Take Time Off with Alison Boons

Connect with Courtney Chaal:

Instagram: @courtneychaal

Website: https://courtneychaal.com

Facebook group: Get More Clients Club

Email: courtney@rulebreakersclub.com